Monday, April 9, 2007

Personal Financial Tip Vol. 4 - The power of stability

Year after year, I have clients come in and seem to be treading water financially despite above average incomes.

One of the things I notice most about these people is the lack of stability in their lives. Job changes, new houses, kids, new cars, divorces, remarriages, etc. It appears that each and every year there's at least two significant life changes that really keeps the people sustaining any kind of financial momentum.

To add to these life changes, these same people seem to be the ones who dive into network marketing businesses in the hopes of making extra money; things such as Amway, Mary Kaye, Avon, Longaberger, etc.

It's extremely rare for people to make any long term money in these businesses.

The secret to establishing long term wealth is simply having a plan, working the plan and dropping the drama of life style instability. You'll find that just doing these three things will go a long way in establishing your retirement at 55 rather than 70.

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