Monday, March 10, 2008

Personal financial tip #17 - Getting rich

So you want to get rich?

Just perusing our client base, you will find that there is one common theme among our wealthiest clients. That theme? CONSISTENCY.

Most of our wealthiest clients live in nice but modest homes and rarely moved. Most of them work(ed) steady jobs with little transition. Most had little in terms of marital transition (divorces & marriage). Few waste their money on "toys" such as boats or high end autos.

But all of them did one thing, steadily saved.

In fact, very few of them had/have high paying corporate jobs. You would be surprised at how many of our wealthiest clients are school teachers; a testament to the lack of career transition.

We are all bombarded by messages in our society telling us we can have it all. But I've seen it time and time again that people who chase wealth in a Don Quixote like fashion end up poorer than those who simply have a plan and work the plan, dollar by dollar.

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